June 9 - Erik Barsness & Kid Dakota
I celebrated my last day of school (June 9th) by going to not one, but two concerts. I had been looking forward to the first one for quite some time – avant-garde percussionist Erik Barsness (featuring Brian Duffy) at Studio Z in Lowertown. As expected, Erik put on a tremendous, awe-inspiring performance. Among his selections were compositions by John Cage, and local composer, Mary Ellen Childs (the latter wrote the piece “Kolokol” specifically for Erik and the bells he constructed out of oxygen and propane tanks).
Erik Barsness preparing to play "Kolokol" on his homemade bells
After Erik’s exhausting performance, I headed back into the world of pop music – Kid Dakota at the Triple Rock. This was the first time I had seen opening band, Field Guide. I suppose you could call them a non-emo version of The Swiss Army.
Field Guide
Fitzgerald played next. They had added an accordion player and a new bassist since I last saw them, resulting in a bigger, better Fitzgerald. They sounded terrific.
Now, I hate mentioning how a band looks - it can really cheapen or detract from their art. But in the case of Coach Said Not To, they’ve been around long enough; you all know how great they are. So I don’t feel guilty in saying that they are the cutest band ever. I have a secret crush on every single one of them. I suppose I should also mention that they played an awesome set at the Triple Rock.
Coach Said Not To
Coach Said Not To
And back on the subject of percussion, the colossal Ian Prince is back on the kit for Darren Jackson in Kid Dakota. Needless to say, Ian stole the show with his loud, sweaty, and loud drumming. New album coming out soon. Cool.
Kid Dakota
Kid Dakota @ The Turf Club: February 5, 2005
Coach Said Not To @ The Nomad World Pub: June 11, 2005
Fitzgerald @ The 7th Street Entry: June 23, 2005
once again cheers on the blog. and thanks for swinging by my proverbial "place". i linked up through myspace, which is a good way for me to keep tabs on what you are listening to. like i mentioned, it is a great way for me to be introduced to bands i might not have heard of (when CMJ fails). Per you question on my blog, i am currently blazing at 200watts stereo from the gilded city of Rexburg, Idaho: a haven for good music and food (sarcasm). unless i opt to travel, I have to get my live music fill vicariously, which is why i appreciate your page.
keep it up...and cheers.
9:00 AM
I'm jealous. I love CSNT too, and have a secret crush on Linnea, like big time! Oh, are you headed upto Bonnaroo this year like you mentioned? Will you be stopping by Athens,OH? You really should. On the 20th (if you're not too pooped from all the music, and I have a sneaking suspicion you won't be!), the Bellrays (from CA), the SSM (from Detroit) and a bunch of really cool local bands are playing at my fav. venue in town. You should try and stop by on your way back. But even if you want to make a pit stop before the 16th you're more than welcome to. Let me know, one way or the other =)
ps: great job with the blog. I can't wait for the Duplomacy record. And whoa! You saw Company Inc. (ex-vox(my-fav-bend-ever)) on my birthday. Luckyyyyyy!
5:58 PM
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