Dinosaur in Trouble: proudly serving Twin Cities music geeks

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Funk at the Fred


The great thing about living blocks away from one of the largest college campuses in the country is that I can easily take advantage of all the free events without actually having to be a student (and no one will ever know). One free event that I never miss is the annual welcome-back-to-school concert inside the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum called Funk at the Fred. This year’s show (9-9-2005) didn’t divert from Funk at the Fred’s tradition of a solid lineup topped off by a high-profile local headliner.

For reasons inexcusable, I missed the opening act, TomHanks. Fortunately, I was able to drown out my guilt with the free pretzels and pop offered by the University. I’m sure it would’ve been an interesting set, though. TomHanks is the electroclash solo project from Grant Cutler, the uber-distinct vocalist from the “sexy rock and roll” band, Passions. Not something I’d normally want to miss.

Lucky for me, the dance party wasn’t yet over. After months of intention, I finally got to see smooth IDMers, Digitata. The trio includes knob-twiddler Ryan Olson, and drummer Andy Christopherson (both of Mel Gibson and the Pants). But singer/keyboardist Maggie Morrison makes the band. Her shiver-inducing vocals translated very well into the live setting, and made for a very gratifying show.

Faux Jean was the headliner. I was looking forward to their set because I hadn’t seen them since they reformed with the blonde girl. Well, shortly after Digitata’s set, the power of the entire block went out, effectively ending the show. What a bummer. I made up for the loss by getting my picture taken with local celebrity, Todd Trainer (that fashionable guy from Shellac, Rifle Sport, and Brick Layer Cake). He’s a celebrity, right? Or am I just living in my own little world?

Lee and Todd Trainer

Passions @ The 7th Street Entry: February 12, 2005
Rifle Sport and Brick Layer Cake @ The 7th Street Entry: February 26, 2005
Shellac @ First Avenue: April 13, 2005


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