Dinosaur in Trouble: proudly serving Twin Cities music geeks

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Introduction to Dino Porno

For the past 6 1/2 months, we at Dinosaur in Trouble have been dwelling in the Mesozoic Era. Not anymore. Tomorrow, Dinosaur in Trouble will take a giant leap into the 21st Century.

That’s right, we’re getting with the times and offering a weekly mp3 download!

Here’s how it’ll work:

Every Wednesday, we will highlight one local band (local = Minnesotan) in a weekly feature titled “Dino Porno” (thank Shawna for the name). Via Dino Porno, you can read our explanation on why the featured band is the coolest band ever, and then you can download one of their songs and see for yourself.

Why are we doing it? Because we owe it to the world. Minnesota has the best music scene on this planet, and it would be a shame if we kept it all to ourselves. So it is our duty here at Dinosaur in Trouble to share the love.

Tune in tomorrow for Dino Porno #1. Who will it be??? Shhh! It’s a surprise. Oooh, but it’ll be a good one! For Sure! You Bet’cha!


Blogger Goldy Gopher said...


9:23 AM

Blogger I am a dot said...

Yes! The name lives on in local style!

10:40 AM


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