Dinosaur in Trouble: proudly serving Twin Cities music geeks

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

No, I Didn't Forget

Tatsuya Yoshida chills out in Cedar-Riverside

Due to a few extraordinary circumstances (which I will write about in the coming days), I totally blew off writing about a few extraordinary shows that took place in late July. I swear, I had so many clever things to say about the performances, but it’s all lost now. Sorry. Instead, I’ll just write a brief and semi-informative account of each set (mainly for my own purposes – so that in a few years, I can look back and reminisce about how I spent the bulk of my 20s going to shows).

Triple Rock, Thursday, July 21st:

Tons of new material from Nick Sakes (ex-Dazzling Killmen/Colossamite) & co. Very good. I finally picked up their recent 7” that they split with Deerhoof. Hmm…no record player in my new house. I guess after a few more paychecks, I’ll be able to listen to it.

Big Business:
This show’s lineup was definitely tempting, but it was Big Business’s Radio K in-studio performance that convinced me to forsake sleep and go out on a weeknight. My rush-hour commute was greatly enhanced by hearing Big Business yelling at me through my radio. I had almost forgotten how much Big Business rocked my world. Their set at the Triple Rock was as rockin’ as ever. Very good. It’s amazing how much sound can come from just a bass guitar and a drum set.

Speaking of excessive sound coming only from a bass guitar and a drum set…that reminds me of the legendary Japanese proggers, RUINS. How appropriate they shared the bill with Big Business (funny, last time I saw Big Business, they played with Death From Above 1979 – another loud bass/drum duo). Unfortunately, Hisashi Sasaki, RUINS’ bassist for the past 10 years, had recently left the band. So bionic drummer, Tatsuya Yoshida, was left to fend for himself during this “Bassist Wanted Tour.” Throughout the tour, Yoshida planned to open each night with a solo set (featuring a sampler programmed with the necessary bass guitar licks), and close with a set featuring a bass player from whatever town he happened to be in. Erik Fratzke – Happy Apple bassist / Zebulon Pike guitarist – was the obvious choice for the Twin Cities. I should have guessed it. Holy shit – Erik Fratzke, with just two-days notice, pulled off a stellar performance with one of the most technical drummers in the Northern Hemisphere. Now improv is one thing, but Fratzke was also able to flawlessly pull off RUINS classics, “Praha in Spring” and “Black Sabbath Medley Reversible.” Wow. Very good.

Nomad World Pub, Thursday, July 21st:

On my way home from the Triple Rock, I walked past the Nomad where the party was far from over. I could see through the window that the Doomtree crew was in full effect (on my way to the Triple Rock, I could see Vox Vermillion through the window, but since I see them about once a week, I decided to continue on my journey). Since it was late and the bouncer was no longer enforcing the cover, I walked right in to join the fun. Yep, dodging beer cans thrown from the stage, chanting “doomTREE,” and waving my hands in the air like I just don’t care is my idea of a rockin’ good time. Very good.

400 Bar, Saturday, July 23rd:

Royal Gun:
My lazy ass didn’t get to the 400 Bar until London's Royal Gun were on their last song. Based on the plethora of "oohs" and "aahs" thrown into their closing number, I bet they would’ve been a fun band to watch. Umm…very good.

Dressy Bessy:
You know me; I’m hugely into anything even remotely related to the Elephant 6 Collective. I very much love Dressy Bessy. For all who are unaware, Dressy Bessy is the band that Weezer wishes they could be (post-Pinkerton). Did you know that singer/guitarist Tammy Ealom was born in Rochester, MN? Pretty cool, eh? Very good.

Pernice Brothers:
I went to see Dressy Bessy; I left awestruck by the Pernice Brothers. I had no idea they’d be such an interesting live band. Two of the blokes from Royal Gun accompanied the Brothers on bass guitar and keyboard. If I hadn’t just seen them earlier, I would have assumed that they were fulltime members of the band – they meshed so well with the other members, who were, by the way, very good. Very good. Very good. Very good.

Dressy Bessy

Pernice Brothers


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